Speech to Text Converter

speech to text converter

We’re living in the era of AI (Artificial Intelligence), and it’s becoming part of our daily lives. Now, you can turn your speech files into text in more than 30 languages in seconds.

Convert Speech Files to Text with

Automatic recordings of your conversations are much quicker and easier to analyze when they’re in an audio format. It saves pen and paper to-do lists and office errands. Stop writing down speeches with your hands. Use a brand new technology and app to convert speech to text.

a guy who is talking to a microphone

Upload your Speech.

We support a wide variety of formats. But if you have any file that has a rare and unique format, you should convert it to something more common like mp3, mp4 or wav.

Leave the Transcription to Us.

Transkriptor will automatically Transcribe your speech within minutes. When your order is done, you will receive an email informing that your text is ready.

Edit and Export your Text

Login to your account and list completed tasks. Finally, download or share the Transcription files.

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What’s Speech To Text Technology?

Speech to text is changing the way we live and work. It has major benefits and in some cases can completely solve a problem. The applications for this tool in healthcare, customer service, journalism, qualitative research, and so on continue to grow every year.

This article shows the different ways in which this amazing piece of technology takes part in various industries today. From healthcare professionals to journalists, speech to text software is beneficial. It provides for the demand for fast and detailed reporting. The benefits come from it being a time-saver, improved customer service, and improved quality of services.

The technology is not perfect for natural conversation. But when paired with humans with great communication skills, the AI assistant can complete tasks infinitely better.

How Does Speech to Text Software Work?

Voice recognition and translation an old concept that has been around for decades. It always relied on the natural language capabilities of humans.

Thus, after transmission and translation into another language, humans would clean up possible errors and infer meaning from data.

Nowadays, voice recognition generation relies on artificial neural networks. It gives it a great performance boost in understanding written human speech through audio signals. 

Computers can also influence word choice based on intended meaning or sentiment analysis. Such as sentiment analysis of Twitter feeds to determine whether people are pleased or unhappy with a platform or product.

4 steps of Speech To Text:

1. Speech recognition software converts analog signals into digital language. When vibrations go through the speaker to the microphone, the software translates these vibrations into data that represents digital signals.

2. Speech-to-text converter filters digital waves to keep the sounds that are relevant. Sounds like your voice and typewriter keys make up background noise to the sounds we want to distinguish; wind and rain for example.

But with enough training, the system becomes better at capturing these one-time earth-crafted accents like oceans or insects. It leaves nothing but the design of your voice (or other sound sources).

3. The software breaks longer audio recordings into very short segments, for example, a thousandth of a second. It does that to compare them with different unknown texts and come up with a virtual translation.

The STT system is based on the phonetic transcription process. It divides any speech event into important sound units or syllables according to its phonetic qualities. In general, every syllable corresponds either to a letter of the alphabet or another character. It is an appropriate unit for encoding oral speech.

4. Finally, the software outputs a text file that contains all the spoken material in text form

Different Speaker Models Used in Speech to Text

A speaker-independent voice recognition system detects the voice of the speaker and matches it to a predetermined database of voices. Then it can be used by anyone.

A speaker-dependent system, on the other hand, trains an individual’s voice with specific words. So the model learns their speech patterns. This allows the system provides more accurate results when they speak by considering variables like accent, dialect, noise, or obstruction.

As of right now, it is hard for these systems to get better than human listeners at detecting wolf whistles and background noise. But in time we hope they will be able to yield cleaner audio files. Which will enable new opportunities in telecommunications.

Write things on the go.

Speech to text mobile app

Access from all devices. Turn audio files to text in iphone and Android.

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Where Is Speech to Text Used?

As machines are getting better at understanding human language, we use them in places that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. We need to know the limitations of the technology in order for this to happen.

Natural Language Understanding checks for implicit meaning in language and correlates them with text to find patterns that occur in colloquial speech.

When it comes to natural language understanding, social media analysis is one of the most popular use cases. You need a program to understand topics, sentiments, or even different types of political opinions in a Facebook post so they can help companies analyze their audiences better.

These programs are still not that competent in making conclusions about content because people are hard to generalize but they have proved successful with detecting spam email and analyzing people’s values from digital footprints.

Speech to Text in Machine Translation

In different cultures, there are different ways of communicating the thoughts and intent of individuals. One of them is speech-to-text tools. Speech to text is an increasingly popular feature of voice over internet protocol applications that enables two or more people who speak two different languages can communicate effectively with each other on a real-time basis.

speech to text app

This speech to text tool translates the voice message into words. When it comes to this, one can easily translate their voice message into another language. It is an easy way to communicate with people who don’t speak your language provided you have a camera.

This is especially helpful when it comes to journalists covering topics that are specific to other cultures without being fluent in the local language or just anyone who would prefer talking rather than typing.

Speech to Text in Document Summarization

Automatic summary tools are very promising in this era where there are many different types of content uploaded every second. It won’t be intimidating to read through the entire article again. That will probably take up a lot of time and effort. If you can get the main idea/summary information in just one line or two, it would help you save so much time and effort right there.

Academic content summarization, or document summarization, is an important capability for computers to provide instant summaries to students while reading documentation on the internet. As lots of changes happen these days steadily in lots of aspects including trends in study attitudes and productive ways of studying.

Speech to Text in Content Categorization

Content categorization is the purposeful separation of particular content into different categories. This can be achieved through natural language understanding techniques.

Content can also be optimized for Google Search by using machine learning algorithms which will process the words that are found in texts and calculate what is their relevance, having that relevance as a ranking factor. This way it is possible to categorize content by keyword relevancy, so other people can find it who want to find information about certain subjects or topics.

Speech to Text in Sentiment Analysis

With the emergence of content analysis software, humans no longer have to manually intervene to make sense of the opinionated text.

Natural Language Understanding tools give us insight into reader opinions that are otherwise here all “underneath cognitively,” sometimes only resulting in assumptions about the data. With them, machines can offer a systematic analysis of blogs, reviews, tweets, etc., which makes it easier for advertisers and marketers to recognize what the customer wants or needs without being part or affected by this subjectivity.

Speech to Text in Plagiarism Detection

Advanced NLP tools are not like simple plagiarism tools. Other people can do the plagiarism detection process. But advanced natural language understanding tools also detect plagiarism. It does that through computing algorithms if there is plagiarism but also paraphrasing.  

These algorithms handle sentences with various degrees of sentence complexity and use the phrasing from the second given paragraph as a comparison to check for similarity.

Drawbacks Of Speech To Text Tools

Compared with other natural language processing competitors, speech-to-text tools have a relatively low success rate. This is especially true when the audio quality of a recording is poor.

Poor record conditions can ruin a professional recording. It can also ruin a voice-over session for a company promotional video and turn something that sounds interesting into gibberish.

You have to be specific about your scripts going into the sound booth and being read verbatim. While actors could easily use sounds effects and other background noises to make it sound way more lively during their sessions.

Give your hands a break.
You don’t need to do any more handwriting

You type and handwrite way too much in your daily life.

It’s a shame that this sounds commonplace. Because humans
are not meant to sit and type out throughout their day.

You are wasting your energy.

Try Transkriptor for Free

After the software transcribes a recording, a person or software has to check if the transcript is accurate. Whether there were any interruptions, they were speaking too fast or too slowly. Also, if something was perceived as being said, but actually wasn’t, they have to go through it all and make edits. 

Wouldn’t it be great if we told you that Transkriptor minimizes this problem? You’ll save time and money with its state-of-the-art AI!

Convert Speech to Text

Further Reading

How to Convert Speech to Text in Google Docs

How to Convert Speech to Text on Kindle?

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Jimena L.Founder Read More

Everything is very good, it is not expensive, good relation between price and quality, and it is also quite fast.
Great precision in relation to the times of the subtitles and in the recognition of the words. Very few corrections had to be made.

Jaqueline B.Sociologist Read More

What I liked most about transkryptor is how it has a high accuracy. With an easy-to-use platform, I only needed to make punctuation adjustments

Frequently Asked Questions

Should You Use Free Or Paid Speech To Text Programs?

Paid apps tend to outperform free ones in terms of accuracy and speed, it also leaves what is left of article editing up to you. But paid apps will cost you money so for some people the trade-off is not worth the money it costs.

No one likes dealing with paying and managing subscriptions and so these services need to be more than just -free in order for them to stand the test of time. They don’t always offer quality technical support, they are poor in terms of speed and accuracy, and leave a lot of editing for you.

How to choose the right speech-to-text program?

With so many speech-to-text software tools in the market, it is a challenge to pick one.

A general search in Google for “speech to text” will bring up a list of useful software in the market. However one has to carefully peruse their content and pick a full-featured package with reliable technical support and helpful customer service – not an all-inclusive policy where you call centralized offices and no one responds!

Some good examples include Transkriptor and Otter.

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