How to Use a Talk to Text App?

how to use a talk to text app

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Are you in a career that requires diligent research through interviews? What about if you are looking for ways to make more efficient use of your time? If you answered yes to either of these questions, a talk to text app might be worth looking into. Researchers in a wide variety of fields see a high level of benefits through using a talk to text app, calling on the need to understand the basics and different uses.

What is a Talk to Text App?

A talk to text app is a tool that converts audio into text, usually in real-time. Instead of recording the audio and engaging in manual transcription, an app alleviates this burden and converts the audio into a usable text through a simple upload procedure. Unlike software that requires an internet connection, you can utilize a talk to text app from your phone, allowing for portability and unlimited access to the benefits. Moreover, as a researcher, you most likely conduct frequent interviews that have to be on paper to produce articles, essays, blogs, and other informational items. Instead of trying to write down every key detail, you can utilize an app to be present at the moment and take the manual transcription burden off your plate.

How Do I Use a Talk to Text App?

Using a talk to text app is a simple process. There are two different ways to utilize an app: in real-time or through uploading an audio file. The output of both methods produces the same quality results. Below is a tutorial for each method.

Transcribing Audio in Real-Time

When transcribing audio in real-time, the first step is to open up your talk to text app. Many apps works based on cellular data instead of an internet connection, giving you the ability to connect from anywhere you have service. Once you open the app, you will start recording the audio through the app. Often times some apps will convert the text as it is happening. After you have finished the interview, you will end the audio recording and enjoy your useable text.

Uploading a Pre-Recorded File

The process of taking advantage of a talk to text app is very similar to pre-recorded audio files compared to transcribing audio in real-time. The critical difference is that you will not record audio through the app. Instead, you will upload your audio file to the app. Once you upload your audio, the app will begin the transcription, producing the same usable text as the real-time conversion method.

What are the Benefits of Using a Talk to Text App as a Researcher?

Researchers derive a variety of benefits from using a talk to text app, like Transkriptor. The first benefit is the ability to be present in your interview. If you are scrambling to take notes, odds are your full attention isn’t on the person you are interviewing. This can create a less than ideal interview environment, making the use of a talk to text app beneficial. In addition, the app ensures that all key details are recorded. This gives you a full write-up of the interview to reference when you begin writing your article.

Researchers frequently need to mention the interview throughout their piece. With a full copy of the interview in text form, you can pick out direct quotes to embed within your article or scholarly piece, adding credibility to your work. Also, many interviewees prefer to have direct quotes written so their words don’t get twisted, allowing you to please both your interviewee and audience.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits that researchers enjoy is freeing up time in their busy schedules. Manually transcribing audio to text can take hours, giving you minimal time to work on other important tasks. Having a talk to text app working alongside you eliminates this burden, allowing you the opportunity to conduct additional interviews and produce more work. Furthermore, language barriers are becoming a more prevalent problem as globalization continues to increase. A versatile talk to text app, like Transkriptor, comes with the ability to pick up different languages and thick accents, leading to clear, concise, and useable text.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a talk to text app different than a talk to text service?

A talk to text service utilizes the internet to transcribe audio into useable text. In contrast, a talk to text app can be done from the convenience of your smartphone or another mobile device. Many researchers prefer to use an app because interviews are frequently conducted off-site. This allows you to transcribe the audio in real-time instead of waiting until you are connected to the internet.

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How can I maximize the accuracy of my talk to text app?

A strong app already comes with features that aid inaccuracy; however, there are steps you can take as well to maximize the output. First, conduct interviews and record audio in a room that has minimal background noise. Additionally, be sure the microphone is out in the open so the speech can easily be detected. Both of these simple steps can add to an accurate and efficient output.

a guy that types on his notebook

Next Steps

The transition to a talk to text app should be an easy decision for a researcher. There are a variety of different benefits you can enjoy, from added convenience and accurate transcriptions to reducing language barriers and saving time. Transkriptor has helped dozens of researchers take advantage of the tangible benefits their app provides. We are so confident in our app that we offer users a free trial to see the exclusive benefits for themselves. Reach out to a team member today to start.

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