Kā pievienot uzrakstus Twitter videoklipiem

A graphic depiction of a Twitter video post with added captions.

With the increasing popularity of video content on Twitter, it’s essential to make sure that all users can access and interact with adding captions to videos on Twitter can make them more inclusive and accessible to all users, including those with hearing impairments, people in loud environments, or those scrolling through their feeds without sound.

Kā pievienot uzrakstus Twitter videoklipiem

Virsrakstu pievienošana videoklipiem ir ļoti svarīga ikvienā sociālo mediju platformā, un tas ir īpaši svarīgi pieejamības funkcijām. Šeit ir soli pa solim aprakstīts, kā pievienot uzrakstus videoklipiem Twitter lietotājiem:

  1. Izveidojiet video failu un saglabājiet to datorā vai mobilajā ierīcē.
  2. Izvēlieties savām vajadzībām atbilstošu titulēšanas rīku, piemēram, Kapwing, Rev vai Amara.
  3. Upload your video to the captioning tool platform or use a speech-to-text tool to generate a script and subtitle file.
  4. Pārskatiet un pēc vajadzības rediģējiet uzrakstus.
  5. Lejupielādējiet apakšvirsraksta failu atbilstošā formātā, piemēram, SubRip (.srt), lai pievienotu Twitter.
  6. Kā parasti augšupielādējiet videoklipu pakalpojumā Twitter un noklikšķiniet uz pogas “Rediģēt”, lai pievienotu titru failu.
  7. Izvēlieties SubRip (.srt) titru failu un skatiet videoklipu, lai pārliecinātos par pareizo titru izvietojumu laikā.
  8. Ja viss izskatās labi, publicējiet videoklipu ar titriem, noklikšķinot uz pogas “Tweet”.
  9. Apsveriet iespēju izmantot tādus titrēšanas pakalpojumus kā CaptionHub, Rev vai Subtitle Horse, lai saņemtu papildu palīdzību.

Kāpēc uzraksti ir noderīgi Twitter viralitātei?

Adding captions to Twitter videos is crucial for making content accessible and inclusive for all users. It enables people with hearing impairments to engage with your content and helps you to reach a wider audience. Captions can also improve engagement by making it easier for viewers to follow along with the content and engage more effectively, especially for longer videos, such as youtube videos. They are essential for several reasons:

  1. Accessibility: Captions make videos accessible to a broader audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  2. Uzlabota izpratne: Virsraksti palīdz skatītājiem labāk saprast saturu, jo īpaši, ja runātājam ir akcents vai fona troksnis.
  3. Increased Engagement: Captions can improve the viewer’s experience, leading to more engagement with your content. It is essential for shorter videos such as TikTok videos.

Ko meklēt runas teksta rīkos

There are many speech-to-text tools like Transkriptor available in the market, and it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a speech-to-text tool:

  1. Accuracy: The tool’s accuracy is crucial as it determines the quality of the transcribed content. Look for a tool that offers a high level of accuracy and has been tested on various accents and languages.
  2. Language support: Ensure the tool supports the language(s) you need to transcribe. Some tools support multiple languages, while others are limited to only a few.
  3. Ease of use: Look for a tool that is easy to use and does not require extensive training or technical expertise. The tool should have a user-friendly interface and easily integrate with other platforms. Most of them are integrated into ios and Android devices.
  4. Customization: Some tools offer the option to customize the transcriptions to suit your needs. For example, you may want to remove certain words or phrases or add punctuation to the transcription.
  5. Cost: Consider the cost of the tool and whether it fits your budget. Some tools offer a free trial, which can help determine whether the tool meets your needs before committing to a paid subscription.

bieži uzdotie jautājumi

Why should you use Speech-to-Text for Adding Captions to Twitter Videos?

Speech-to-Text (STT) technology is a process where the language gets turned into written text. This technology uses machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to analyze and transcribe spoken language accurately.
Adding captions to Twitter media studio or other social media videos is becoming increasingly important as it allows the audience to engage with the content in a more inclusive manner. Captions can help those who are deaf or hard of hearing to understand the content and also make the content accessible to those who prefer to consume the information in a written format.

What are Captions?

Captions are transcriptions of the content in a video that appears on the screen. They provide an accurate representation of dialogue, sound effects, and music, making video content more accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. For individuals watching videos in loud environments or those who prefer to watch videos without sound, captions can be a valuable tool.

What are the Types of Captions?

There are two types of captions:
Closed Caption: Closed captions can be turned on and off by the viewer. They are usually added as a separate file and can be enabled by the viewer through the video player. Use the CC button at the top of the embedded player to remove captions from a video or enable them.
Open Caption: Open captions are embedded within the video and are always visible to the viewer. They cannot be turned off by the viewer and are usually used when the video is meant to be seen with captions.

Dalīties ar ziņu:

Modernākās tehnoloģijas A.I.

Sāciet strādāt ar Transkriptor jau tagad!

Saistītie raksti

pārvērst balsi par tekstu

Konvertējiet savu balsi uz tekstu!

Automātiskās transkripcijas programmatūras izmantošana balss pārvēršanai tekstā var mainīt jūsu biznesu. Balss teksta konvertēšanas programmatūra ir automātiska, viegli lietojama un pieejama. Šajā rakstā aplūkots, kā varat izmantot automātiskās balss teksta

labākais audio failu transkripcijas veids

Labākais veids, kā pārrakstīt audio failus

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Kā veikt teksta diktātu?

Teksta diktēšana ir mainījusi veidu, kā jūs varat sazināties ar cilvēkiem visā pasaulē. Attīstoties tehnoloģijām, ir kļuvis arvien vieglāk sasniegt cilvēkus no dažādām kultūrām un izcelsmēm. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai

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Audio transkripcijas lietotnes izmantošana

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